Doug vs Violet (H✩T)

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
It just works
Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
of our future
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
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John Sullivan
Doug vs Violet (H✩T)
POSTED ON Jul 27, 2021 17:16:35 GMT
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Doug vs Violet

How's the tourney going?

He swiped his forearm over his face as he reclined against the wall, releasing a sigh of relief as the cool shadows covered him from the glaring heat of the sun.

"This is unbearable..." Doug groaned to himself as he looked around the plaza, before his eyes fell upon the lone sight of a single Ice cream cart vendor.

Eyes popping wide open, he grinned before sauntering up to the man, his brow slowly twisting in worry as he realized the man seemed to be reaching rather far into his cart, as if looking for something...

Things were not looking good.

He began to jog just in case, suddenly apprehensive as to whether he would get his icy treat after all.

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Violet Fairbanks
Doug vs Violet (H✩T)
POSTED ON Jul 30, 2021 21:17:05 GMT
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Yes, it was unberable. And that was terrible for her skin. Just another reason to hate summer, the beach, the ocean, everything. The heat and Skyler Dross. Both equally oppressive and deserving of anger. Though only one of those she would eventually get to exact revenge on. One day…

But not today. Today, she had not found Skyler to battle, despite looking for a bit. Not that she was completely sure that she wanted to fight just yet. Well, she wanted to beat that woman. Thoroughly and resoundingly. But she was not quite sure that she could do it. And trying and failing would make her look bad. Not trying and instead glaring at her? That was perfectly sane and reasonable.

But it was too hot for revenge today. Instead, she sought the shade, even in little more than a sundress and corresponding hat. It was still too hot. She needed more. She needed…ice scream. So she did not scream for it, but instead headed for the cart. Fortunately, there was apparently just one portion left or something and the man was reaching very far into the box for it. Naturally, she was going to genuinely pay him for that as she accepted the last cone of ice cream ever, right in front of some punk youth that had just made it here. Heh. A bit of revenge….on society!
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played by

Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
It just works
Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
of our future
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
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John Sullivan
Doug vs Violet (H✩T)
POSTED ON Jul 30, 2021 22:18:57 GMT
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Doug vs Violet

How's the tourney going?

"Bloody hell." Groaned Doug as he jogged to a stop at the cart, realizing that the man was done. Through, zippy, nada.

There was no more ice cream left. Nothing but suffering awaited on this horrible hot day.

"... What'cha laughing at?" The youth said wryly at the girl, grinning with a bit of amusement despite the sweat rolling down his cheeks. "A man's suffering that fun for ya? Today's practically hell on earth, ya know?"

He swiped his arm above his head, sighing for a moment... Before looking at the girl once again, pulling out a fancy, colorful badge.

"Come on, I'll wipe that smile of her face. Do well enough and I'll even reward ya." He said, holding the badge up to eye level, looking at her through it.

"How about it?"

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Violet Fairbanks
Doug vs Violet (H✩T)
POSTED ON Jul 30, 2021 23:26:29 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar
Typical league nonsense. That boy, apparently, had the right to issue a badge. Was he even old enough to drive? And he would challenge her over this little bit of nothingness? Yes, he was just as pathetic as all the league characters she had met. Probably was a liar too, the kind that would not part with the badge even if defeated. Sure, Vio would love to wipe the smirk off of his face, too, but sadly, there was one thing she had to admit.

These league leaders were usually more competent battlers than herself. Then again, not like she had anything to lose. Hence, she just gave him a smile, the kind that clearly meant a bit more than it allowed to be seen at first glance. “Hmm, if you want to battle, I say why not?” Her words were accentuated by her taking a visible, leisurely lick from the cone. Apparently, he very much overestimated her interest in his little trinket. But she certainly was not overestimating his desire for the icy goodness. “Sadly, I have no ante to offer to you. Aside from this ice cream, slightly used and suffering from a terminal heat sickness. But maybe if you win fast enough, there might still be some leftovers for you, young man.”
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played by

Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
It just works
Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
of our future
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
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John Sullivan
Doug vs Violet (H✩T)
POSTED ON Jul 30, 2021 23:35:13 GMT
John Sullivan Avatar

Doug vs Violet

How's the tourney going?

"That's fine, old lady, I've no interest in her ice cream or yer cooties." He offered playfully. "I just want a battle, and I got it."

He stepped away from the girl, making his way to the other end of the field as the LEAGUE APPROVED SILPH BATTLEFIELD SYSTEM activated, generating a proper battlefield and protective barrier around them.

"So! What's yer name, or should I just call ya old lady?" He asked casually, giving her a grin. "I'm Doug; Doug Sullivan!"

He didn't usually need to bother with greetings these days, but the lady didn't seem to know him. Maybe she was a tourist as well? Well, not like he was that famous or anything yet.

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Violet Fairbanks
Doug vs Violet (H✩T)
POSTED ON Jul 31, 2021 17:36:24 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar
Heh. He wanted to play that game. Call her an old lady in order to make her mad and lose her cool. Pah. As in, Pahthetic. What a loser. Vio just shook her head, almost saddened by that display. But also to reject his little ploy. “Oh, old lady is fine. If trying to insult me is all that you can muster, I will not ask too much of your little head there by overloading it with a proper name,” she replied, though she was still following Doug Doug Sullivan to the ring. If he wanted to fight, she would indulge him.

Though she wasn’t exactly going to play along the way he wanted her to. Obviously not. That wasn’t her style at all. “Well then, since you challenged me, I say three versus three rotation battle. Let’s see if this weird arena thing can handle that.” Yeah, she had read up on some stuff. Notably, she knew that this was the least popular and unfun little format, so obviously, she was going for that.

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played by

Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
It just works
Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
of our future
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
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John Sullivan
Doug vs Violet (H✩T)
POSTED ON Jul 31, 2021 17:49:27 GMT
John Sullivan Avatar

Doug vs Violet

How's the tourney going?

Was 'old lady' an insult? Well, whatever, it seemed playfully dishing back what the girl gave wasn't working; which meant she was actually being abrasive, rather than just playful herself.

He had no real clue as to why she was pissed, but it meant there was no point in trying for charm.

"Okay then." He said simply to both statements, producing three net balls in turn. She chose it, so he assumed she knew how rotation battles worked.

Throwing the balls in the air, a Parasect, Gliscor and Dustox appeared on the field, his voice ringing out to command them to take a rotation formation, prompting them the Gliscor and Dustox to flank the Parasect in a triangle formation.

"Whenever yer ready then."

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Violet Fairbanks
Doug vs Violet (H✩T)
POSTED ON Jul 31, 2021 18:12:30 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar

Heh. That shut him up. Clearly, he still did not quite understand what had just happened. But at least he understood well enough to go quiet and focus on the battle he had sought out like this. Though, admittedly, he was probably going to be way more strategic about it than she ever would. His Pokemon even looked like they were going into a proper little formation there.

Vio wasn’t like that. She just went with what seemed like a good idea at the time. Sneasel in the centre, flanked by Iglypuff to one side and her Galarian Zigzagoon on the other. That seemed like a fun little set of ‘Mons to throw into this. “I am always ready, boy. You can go first, since you seem so eager to fight.”

random battle theme
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played by

Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
It just works
Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
of our future
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
You're being healed. Please do not resist.
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John Sullivan
Doug vs Violet (H✩T)
POSTED ON Jul 31, 2021 18:22:23 GMT
John Sullivan Avatar

Doug vs Violet

How's the tourney going?

"Very well." He said simply, rolling his eyes at 'boy' before lifting his hand in the air. "Rotate. Cocktail, Fire Fang, Bug Buzz."

The pokemon did as ordered, the Parasect at the front moving back to let the Dustox take centerstage while the Gligar swept around both and flew for the sneasel, fangs flaring a blazing red as he went for a fly by strike before attempting to swivel back through the air to his formation.

The Dustox for its part flapped its wings rapidly to generate a thrumming sound that could rapidly make on sick from the inside, the blast spreading outwards to the nameless girl's pokemon just as the Parasect launched a connoction of poisonous powder at them, the thrumming shockwaves of the Bug Buzz launching and spreading the powder dangerously towards them!

Gligar used Fire Fang!
Dustox used Bug Buzz!
Parasect used Poison Powder!

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September 7
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Violet Fairbanks
Doug vs Violet (H✩T)
POSTED ON Jul 31, 2021 18:30:49 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar
If there was one thing to be said about Vio, it was that she was a rather hands-off kind of trainer. What that meant that, after some initial commanding, she tended to just let her Pokemon do their thing and have it work out. At least in battles. When it came to environmental hazards and the like, she seemed a lot more active and proactive.

For those guys though, she did little more than watch, arms crossed, observing her own Pokemon as much as the others. That was how she got a handle on them, after all.

For their part, they all made different decisions as to how to handle all of this. Sneasel whirled in the air, sending out an Icy wind both to keep the Gligar from coming closer to them, but also to slow down the Poison Powder in the air. Though, at the same time, Iglypuff happily used Copy Cat to create her own Poison Powder and sent that at the enemy team as well. And, finally, Zigzagoon winced a bit from the Bugg Buzz and, in its irritation, started taunting the whole enemy team into attacking it, instead of doing weird things like that

- triple battle
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played by

Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
It just works
Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
of our future
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
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John Sullivan
Doug vs Violet (H✩T)
POSTED ON Jul 31, 2021 18:46:26 GMT
John Sullivan Avatar

Doug vs Violet

How's the tourney going?

A silent one... she had either trained her pokemon to fight without orders, or was lazy. He would find out which soon enough.

"Get under, take the poison, Nature Power!" The youth orders next, his pokemon diving to the floor as the blast of cool ice comes his way, punching through the pavement and down into the soil beneath.

The Dustox moves forward as they return fire with their own poison powder, taking it to the face before suckling firmly onto it like it were candy, burping loudly a moment later.

The Parasect planted its legs on the pavement firmly before an aura began to encircle her, swiftly taking the form of multiple stars before blasting forth towards the enemy group as rays!

Gligar used Dig!
Dustox took the Poison Powder. Poison types are immune to poisoning!
Parasect used Nature Power! It became Swift!
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September 7
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Violet Fairbanks
Doug vs Violet (H✩T)
POSTED ON Jul 31, 2021 19:59:25 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar
She never understood why a Pokemon that could fly would dig below, but here it was. Weird. Whatever, really. Not like she could do anything about that. None of her Pokemon had something like Earthquake or the like, so they couldn’t get it out. It would just come on its own and hit someone. Not like anything they did would change that. Hence, she didn’t exactly feel like she was being lazy with this. Just quite rational, really.

In the meantime, Zigzagoon went into the centre and rushed straight ahead, taking a beam to the flank but also licking the Dustox, potentially paralyzing it in the process. At the same time, Iglypuff would use Copycat again, now digging below and doing the same as Gliscor, hopefully not accidentally colliding with that. Sneasel in the meantime was now hit by the delayed poison, but sent out another Icy Wind at the enemy team again, as soon as Zigzagoon returned.

-inflict poison
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played by

Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
It just works
Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
of our future
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
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John Sullivan
Doug vs Violet (H✩T)
POSTED ON Jul 31, 2021 20:14:22 GMT
John Sullivan Avatar

Doug vs Violet

How's the tourney going?

Dustox felt grossed out as the tongue dragged over his face, disgust paralyzing it momentarily as it felt the saliva slowly drip down its cheeks.

Thankfully, neither of the underground pokemon accidentally bonked each other.

Rather, the Gligar tore from the pavement as the Zigzagoon returned , it attempted to bite onto it and hold it in place with its pincers!

Bio hid behind the paralyzed Dustox as the food wind blew, attempting to use nature power once again behind the cover, stars flying out towards the Sneasel!

Gligar used Dig!
Dustox is paralyzed! Is hurt by icy wind!
Parasect used Nature Power! It became Swift!

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Violet Fairbanks
Doug vs Violet (H✩T)
POSTED ON Jul 31, 2021 20:45:47 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar

Zigzagoon was clearly satisfied with both disgusting and paralyzing that thing. And since it was kind of an arse, the Galarian immediately tried to Baby-Doll Eyes to that, while its foe was in bad shape. Because that was just what Zigzagoon did. And then Iglypuff just happened to burst from the ground at the same time as Gligar, ramming the poor Parasec from below, thus steering the stars aiming towards for Sneasel off course.

That one, in the meantime, would rush towards the resurgent Gligar, Metal Claws sharpened.
Clearly, this all was pure chaos and while Zigzagoon was sent flying as well. But that kind of Pandemonium was exactly what Vio was after here.

inflict para
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played by

Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
It just works
Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
of our future
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
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John Sullivan
Doug vs Violet (H✩T)
POSTED ON Jul 31, 2021 21:53:19 GMT
John Sullivan Avatar

Doug vs Violet

How's the tourney going?

Chaos reigned.

The Dustox managed to blink as the little guy who bloody licked him flapped his lashes at him. He squealed angrily, before trying to blast him with his Psybeam!

The Gligar swung down its pincers to parry the metal claw with a grunt, carapace scarred as it swung its wings and was sent hurtling towards the Zigzagoon, opening its maw wide to chomp upon the puppy with frozen teeth.

The parasect squealed as she was thrown in the air, spinning around wildly, her swift attack flying wildly all over the place.

Gligar used Ice fang!
Dustox used Psybeam
Parasect used Nature Power! It became Swift!
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